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Monday, February 27, 2012

Orange you Bluetiful!

I'm declaring victory on this one...did one last glaze, and renamed it. "Bluebird of Happiness" is a handmade glass product of Terra Studios just right 'near here. So, when you plan a destination visit to NWArkansas, add this to your must-see list!

"Orange you Bluetiful"
7x5" Oil on Linen/Panel
© Vicki Ross 

And below is my progress slideshow.

Friday, February 24, 2012

"'M' and the Kazama Kimono"
16x12" Oil on Linen
© Vicki Ross

If this wedding kimono could imagination would be overwhelmed. Randy's mother, Teiko, kept this safe and secure until she handed it down to Randy. It was her sister's wedding outfit...complete with the matching obi, purse, hair ornament, fan, and split toe socks. The undergarment, apparently worn for the ceremony was all white. This was worn for the festivities. 

The model happened to be available during a more formal sitting, and I snapped a few pics. She is of an age where life changes happen and sometimes represent a pensive look to the past. This is why I had her looking to the left.

I hope to have other models pose in this kimono. I'm currently practicing with a complete underpainting...'Grasaille' in French means greys; 'Verdaccio' in Italian means greens. 

A slideshow of my process is below: (and I've never had so much trouble getting a slideshow put together until this week! Seems like every time I do something, it is totally different)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Tools of the Trade" Moses Botkin Feb. 2012 challenge

Whew, the months just fly by! Sometimes it seems I maintain equilibrium through the inevitable deadline on the 14th/15th of the month... This month's topic was "Tools of the Trade". As always, it is SO much fun on the 14th to see everyone else's interpretations of the topic. Thanks Suzanne for the creativity...and welcome to several new members: Mary Maxam, Mark Adams, and Becky Joy. Diane, Suzanne and I are returning for another year of fun! Be sure to visit their blog links on the right :)

"Bluebird En Plein Air"
4x4" oil on panel
© Vicki Ross

"Barber Tools"
Oil on hardboard 6"x8"

6x6" oil

"Tool of the Trade"
10x30" oil on canvas
© 2012 Suzanne Berry

'A Painter's Handful'
8"x10" oil

"Tools of the trade - Bartender"
 6" x 8" Oil on panel