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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Moses Botkin Challenge, July 2012

Whew, time flies when you're having fun! This month's subject is from Diana MB (our founder)...Hands. I got a wee bit carried away into the world of realism :) Short slideshow follows.

"'lil Mama-San"
6x6" Oil on Linen

"Hand and breast"
8" x 8", Oil on panel 

"Blue Egg"
Oil on hardboard 6"x6"

Here is my short slideshow:


Mark Adams said...

Love the hands, Vicki. Mine are starting to look like hers more and more. I love the slide shows. It's great to see your process.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

I LOVE your painting this month ... absolutely wonderful detail and interest.

I actually considered a very similar idea, as sometimes happens... but then settled on my final plan, very different from yours. It is a lot of fun to see how our minds go in the same grooves month to month in the group... or not.

VickiRossArt said...

Thanks, Mark! I got in the habit of taking photos throughout the painting when I first started painting seriously a couple years ago. Thought process was it would help me figure out what went right and wrong. Turned out to be a teaching tool for others...Diana, thanks so much! I have to watch myself when I slip off into realism. Don't want to get stuck there!