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Friday, March 30, 2012

"Parisian Street"

"Parisian Street"
18x12" Oil on Copper
© Vicki Ross

Too many places to talk! And believe it or not, I can lose several days in my brain :) Put something quickly on Facebook, and then forget to blog about it where it can be explored in depth! 

I get so many compliments on my 'process' slideshows, I try to do one with every finish. Since I am in the habit of taking continuous progress photos, they are just sitting there waiting to be shared. Picasa was so easy to make a quick slideshow, but since they use flash...and ipads don't...had to find another suitable solution. May change again, who knows?

SO, here it is..."Parisian Street" in progress: 


Jane said...

I love everything parisian , included this painting, beautiful perspective and rendering of this lovely street.

VickiRossArt said...

thanks, Jane! Me too, about anything European. Not to be 'snobby', but the age of the civilization...buildings...things still in use. Such character! Color!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

You captured the feel of those streets, for sure.

VickiRossArt said...

You can almost feel the damp chill! Thanks, Diana...