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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Brocante Day

Petite de juenier (breakfast) outside in the courtyard...then to the brocante (antique/garage sale) set up in booths in the village of Sergines. I found a tabletop easel, a Richard Schmid style fisherman's cap (for 1 euro) that Ron bought for me. For those of you who don't paint, Schmid is one of the great living artists who calls his Greek fisherman's hat his 'lucky' hat. I'm sure it will do the same for me  :)

Sunday evening we went for aperitifs at Serge and Caroline's house. Serge has a graphics project for me to do. We are painting so much I don't know how I can work anything else in. I also found 4 vintage French kitchen match boxes that I will make Journey JuJu Travel Shrines with. (I have a link to her blog on the sidebar of this blog.

This little girl was making a getaway with her dolls, top speed, with her dad in hot pursuit. Our resident Frenchman, Jerome, looking very French in a doorway...and a poppy field on the way home.

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